About Kartu Prakerja

Last Updated: February 20, 2024

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What is Program Kartu Prakerja?
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Kartu Prakerja program is a training scholarship program aimed at improving work competence and entrepreneurship. This program is not only intended for job seekers but also for those who are already employed or laborers who want to enhance their skills or competence, as well as workers who have been terminated from their jobs, including micro and small business owners.

What is the purpose of Program Kartu Prakerja?
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The main objectives of Program Kartu Prakerja are to enhance the workforce's competencies, boost their productivity and competitiveness, and promote entrepreneurship.

When was the first batch of Kartu Prakerja launched?
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The first batch of Program Kartu Prakerja was launched on April 11, 2020.

How many beneficiaries of Kartu Prakerja were there throughout the years 2020-2023?
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Throughout 2020-2023, the number of recipients of Kartu Prakerja amounted to 17.5 million people.

Does Kartu Prakerja provide a salary for the unemployed?
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No, Kartu Prakerja is a program that provides training fee support to enhance work skills. So, it is not intended to provide a salary for the unemployed.

Who can benefit from Program Kartu Prakerja?
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You can apply for Kartu Prakerja if you are a job seeker, a worker/laborer who has been laid-off, or a worker/laborer who needs to improve their work competencies, such as furloughed workers and non-wage-earning workers, including micro and small business owners. In summary, all Indonesian citizens aged 18 (eighteen) to 64 (sixty-four) years who are not pursuing formal education are eligible to register.

However, if you hold any of the following positions, you are not eligible to register or become a recipient of Kartu Prakerja:

  • Government officials

  • Leaders or members of Regional Representative Council (DPRD)

  • Civil servants

  • Indonesian National Army personnel (TNI)

  • Members of the Indonesian National Police 

  • Village heads and village officials

  • Directors, commissioners, or supervisory board Members of state-owned enterprises (BUMN) or regional-owned enterprises (BUMD).

In addition, only a maximum of 2 (two) National ID Number (NIK) from the same Family Card (Kartu Keluarga) are allowed to be registered as Kartu Prakerja beneficiaries. Therefore, do make sure that there are only a maximum of 2 (two) members of your household who are Kartu Prakerja beneficiaries!

Is there an age limit to be eligible for Kartu Prakerja?
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Certainly, there are specific age limits to qualify as recipients of Kartu Prakerja. Only Indonesian citizens between the ages of 18 (eighteen) and 64 (sixty-four) are eligible to receive Kartu Prakerja.

Oh, do I have to be unemployed or a victim of layoff?
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Certainly not! It is open to all workforce as long as they meet the eligibility criteria, with the purpose of enhancing their skills.

Can graduates of prestigious universities who have been employed benefit from Kartu Prakerja?
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Absolutely! It is accessible to all workers, whether they are graduates of prestigious universities or not. Enhancing work competencies and skills is valuable for every individual in their professional journey.

Are only Kartu Prakerja beneficiaries allowed to purchase trainings on the Digital Platform?
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The general public, even those who are not eligible for Kartu Prakerja, can still purchase training on the Digital Platform, but they will have to bear the cost themselves using payment methods other than Kartu Prakerja. Kartu Prakerja can only be used as a payment method by Kartu Prakerja beneficiaries.

Will the general public also receive a certificate upon completing the training?
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Yes, the general public will also receive a certificate upon successfully completing the training. Just remember, Kartu Prakerja only serves as a payment method on the Digital Platform!

Is there a guarantee of securing a job after participating in Kartu Prakerja training?
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Securing employment is influenced by many factors beyond participating in training under Program Kartu Prakerja. Kartu Prakerja merely assists you in enhancing your employability through access to skilling, reskilling, and upskilling. So, stay motivated in your job search!

Does Kartu Prakerja provide opportunities for internships?
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Program Kartu Prakerja does not provide internship opportunities. The availability of internships is determined by each Training Institution.

Is it possible for me to receive Kartu Prakerja if I have already received other forms of social assistance from the government?
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Since 2023, you can still be eligible for Kartu Prakerja even if you or your family are already receiving other government social assistance programs.

Who is responsible for carrying out the operational aspects of Kartu Prakerja and approving the benefits of Kartu Prakerja?
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The Project Management Office, as a unit under the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, is responsible for the operational execution of Program Kartu Prakerja. All policies related to Kartu Prakerja are formulated by the Job Creation Committee, chaired by the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs and with the Chief of Presidential Staff as the Vice Chairman. The committee consists of 12 ministers and heads of institutions as members, with the Secretary of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs serving as the Committee Secretary.